Why does my plant have yellow leaves? You're not alone! We hear you, and we'd love to help get the green back in those gorgeous greens. It could be one of several things causing this issue - luckily, we've got some tried-and-true tips on what might bring balance back into your beloved foliage life. Keep calm & read on! 

Watering Issues

Yellow leaves can often be caused by overwatering, but some plants can also experience yellowing due to underwatering or infrequent watering. It is crucial to maintain optimal soil moisture for your plant to thrive. Achieving the right balance between watering too frequently or not often enough can be easier if you know the amount of soil that should dry out for your plant.  

For maintaining a full and vibrant plant, it is important to water it evenly all around the pot. Water the plant thoroughly until it starts dripping out of the pot into the saucer. After a few minutes, make sure to discard any excess water to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged, leading to root rot. To get more information on how to water your indoor plants, check out our YouTube video here. 

Incorrect Lighting

Struggling to keep your plants alive? Low light can be a major culprit! If your leaves are turning yellow, chances are you've got not enough light. Whilst many houseplants thrive in low or indirect light areas, too little means they won't photosynthesize efficiently, and growth will slow - eventually leading to all sorts of overwatering symptoms if gone unchecked. To get the lushest foliage possible opt for bright but indirect sunlight by positioning near an east facing window or just back from southern/western windows with some sort of shade barrier (i.e sheer curtain etc). 

If your plant is a sun lover, help it get its fix by finding the brightest spot in your home. Look for those 6 hours of direct sunlight on south or west-facing windows — and let that ray of sunshine do all the work! You can find more lighting information here. 

Lighting explained from The Good Plant Co


Lurking in the shadows of your plant may be an army of pests like mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids! These pesky critters sap away at the goodness from your beloved foliage resulting in discoloured leaves. Watch out for any fine webbing or cotton-like tufts on those underside leaves - a tell-tale sign that you have intruders lurking around. Fear not though my green-thumbed friends; pest treatment is easy with neem oil being all it takes to banish these uninvited guests (most of the time)! 

Lady wiping over Monstera Deliciosa Plant at The Good Plant Co


Is your plant feeling a bit tight? You may have root-bound blues. If it's outgrown its pot, you may be dealing with root bound conditions. This happens when the roots take up too much space in their current home and can't expand properly. Without enough room to spread out, they won’t have equal access to water and nutrients this leads to telltale signs like wilted or yellowed leaves! 

To check, observe whether the roots are creeping up along the top of soil or pushing through drainage holes at the bottom. If watering results in quick drainage out of those same holes, it's likely time to repot! And don't forget tugging on that plant - if you can easily pull it right outta there then yes indeedy - root bound! 

Couple repotting a rootbound ZZ Plant at The Good Plant Co

Normal Leaf Cycle

The beauty of plants is that they naturally follow the circle of life! When new growth appears at the bottom, it's time to trim your plant back a bit to help it focus its energy on thriving. Those yellowing leaves are merely an indicator that your baby needs some TLC, and that faded foliage can be easily removed so you get even more vibrant green goodness. 

Group of Healthy Indoor Plants at The Good Plant Co

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