So you have be browsing online plants and notice that they are smaller than you would expect. Never fret plant-parent! Plants come in all shapes and sizes, with our plants being growers, not showers.

Today we will run you through what your plants can grow into! A Giant Birds of Paradise does not necessarily start out 'giant', all plants need a bit of TLC to make them big and strong, although size shouldn't matter... well, in regards to plants that is... onto the plants! 


This plant may appear slightly obscure when you first take a peep, but they can grow into gorgeous lengthy plants with time and care! The ZZ is fairly indestructible, which is even more enticing for those who wish for long fronds, but limited effort! 


Grow baby grow! Word on the street is that the Ficus Audrey is the Fiddle Leaf Fig of 2021 and we can see why. Her gorgeous leaves and stylish stature make for a perfect indoor house plant. 


Did someone say cactus? Yep! Our Mistletoe Cactus is low maintenance and super duper trendy. Pop him in a hanging pot and watch him hang low.


This plant may not be made of real cheese but it sure is sweet! You can see that our Swiss Cheese Vine can grow big and strong and be a centerpiece in your home! To make her nice and full, we recommend re-planting longer cuttings of the vine into the pot so she can grow tall and strong. We also suggest adding a totem as these guys love to climb.


She may be mini but she can be mighty! You can see how tall your Mini Monstera can grow with assistance of a totem or guide! Place her against a wall with some in-direct sunlight and watch your baby grow.

If you want to get along with this guy you need some money honey! Just kidding! Instead, watch your smaller plant baby (which is, ahem, cheaper than a fully grown tree) grow big and strong. With this guy it's the same process as our Swiss Cheese Vine, where you replant the cuttings into the same pot and watch your Chinese Money Plant grow! 


Gift Giving
Forget the flowers and opt for plants! Order your next gift online today, it’s that easy to send now! Check out our full range here 


Don't hesitate to contact our team if you need assistance or any questions we are here to help! 


Watch our easy guide on how to become the best plant parent you can. Head over to our YouTube to get started. Your plants will thank you, we promise.